Section 40-10-122 - Powers and duties of the director(a) The director shall: (i) Maintain traceability of the state standards to the national standards established by the United States Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology as demonstrated through laboratory recognition or accreditation;(ii) Enforce the provisions of this act;(iii) Issue reasonable rules and regulations for the enforcement of this act;(iv) Grant exemptions from the provisions of this act or any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto when appropriate for the maintenance of good commercial practices within the state;(v) Conduct investigations to ensure compliance with this act and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this act;(vi) Delegate authority to appropriate personnel as required for the proper administration and enforcement of this act;(vii) Inspect and test in a timely manner, weights and measures kept, offered or exposed for sale;(viii) Promulgate rules and regulations regarding inspecting and testing weights and measures used commercially, to ascertain if they are correct: (A) In determining the weight, measure or count of commodities or things sold, or offered or exposed for sale, on the basis of weight, measure or count; or(B) In computing the basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight, measure or count.(ix) Approve for use and mark weights and measures found to be correct, reject and mark as rejected, condemn and mark as condemned and make inoperable weights and measures found to be incorrect. Rejected weights and measures shall be condemned and made inoperable if not corrected within the time specified or if used in a manner not specifically authorized;(x) Weigh, measure or inspect packaged commodities kept, offered or exposed for sale, sold or in the process of delivery to determine whether they contain the amounts represented and whether they are kept, offered or exposed for sale in accordance with this act or rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this act. In carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, the director shall employ recognized sampling procedures adopted by National Conference on Weights and Measures and published in the United States Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 133, "Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods;"(xi) Prescribe, by rule and regulation, the appropriate term, unit of weight or unit of measure to be used, whenever an existing practice of declaring the quantity by weight, measure, numerical count, time or combination thereof, does not facilitate value comparisons by consumers or may lead to consumer confusion;(xii) Allow reasonable variations from the stated quantity of contents, to allow for loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practice or by unavoidable deviations in good manufacturing practice only after the commodity has entered intrastate commerce;(xiii) Establish labeling requirements, requirements for the presentation of cost-per-unit information, establish standards of weight, measure, count and fill for any packaged commodity and establish requirements for open dating information;(xiv) Verify the field standards for weights and measures used by any jurisdiction or registered service person operating within Wyoming before being put into service, and as often thereafter as deemed necessary by the director, and approve the same when found to be correct;(xv) Provide for registration of persons qualified by training and experience to install, service and repair weighing or measuring devices;(xvi) Provide that only persons who are registered are authorized to place in service devices which have been rejected or condemned and repaired or newly installed devices, whether new or used, until an official inspection by an authorized inspector is made;(xvii) Provide for the training of weights and measures personnel and establish minimum training and performance requirements, for all weights and measures personnel, including county, municipal, state or registered servicepersons;(xviii) Verify advertised prices, price representations and point-of-sale systems, as necessary to determine: (A) The accuracy of prices and computations and proper use of the equipment; and(B) The accuracy of prices printed or recalled from a database in systems utilizing scanning or coding means in lieu of manual entry. In carrying out the provisions of this paragraph, the director shall:(I) Employ recognized procedures, as adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures and published in the United States Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 130, "Uniform Laws and Regulations, Examination Procedures for Price Verification"; and(II) Conduct inspections and investigations to ensure compliance.(xix) Establish fees for testing and inspection, which may include actual hourly cost plus mileage for any inspections requested other than the routine inspection. The hourly cost shall be as determined by the director and the mileage cost shall be as provided by W.S. 9-3-103;(xx) Establish reasonable laboratory fees for testing, inspection and calibration of standards or weight and measuring devices.(b) The director may allow the licensing, testing, inspection and reporting requirements of this chapter to be conducted electronically as provided by the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, W.S. 40-21-101 through 40-21-119 and any applicable federal electronic requirements.Amended by Laws 2018 , ch. 108, § 1, eff. 7/1/2018.