Section 36-5-114 - Leasing for industrial, commercial, residential and recreational purposes; authority; rental fees; rules and regulations(a) The board of land commissioners may lease for a term of not more than seventy-five (75) years state lands for industrial, commercial and recreational purposes.(b) The board may lease state lands for purposes which shall bring about the compatible use of the surface area and shall inure to the greatest long term benefit of the state land trust. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall result in the substantive impairment of existing leases or the preferential right to the renewal thereof.(c) The board shall fix a rental value based upon not less than the fair market value of each use of the land. If the land to be leased under this subsection was originally acquired by the state for the benefit of the common school permanent land fund, and is to be used by a Wyoming school district for the construction and maintenance of school buildings and facilities, the board may assess an annual rental fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per acre or not less than fair market value, whichever is less.(d) The board shall promulgate rules and regulations implementing policies, procedures and standards for the long-term leasing of state lands for industrial, commercial and recreational purposes under the provisions of W.S. 36-5-114 through 36-5-117, including provisions requiring compliance with all applicable land use planning and zoning laws and permitting the board to terminate a lease for good cause shown. When the office of state lands and investments initiates a request for a proposed leasing of state lands, the office shall require not less than thirty (30) days notice be provided:(i) On the website of the office of state lands and investments;(ii) In a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties where the state lands are to be leased; and(iii) To current lessees of the state lands and owners of adjoining lands by certified mail.Amended by Laws 2023, ch. 178,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2023.