Section 33-4-101 - Definitions(a) As used in this act: (i) "Building" means a structure, including all the components which a structure comprises, including structural, mechanical and electrical systems, intended for use as shelter for man and his possessions;(ii) "Practice of architecture" means rendering or offering to render service to clients generally, including any one or any combination of the following practices or professional services; advice, consultation, planning, architectural design, drawings and specifications; general administration of the contract as the owner's representative during the construction phase, wherein expert knowledge and skill are required in connection with the erection, enlargement or alteration of any building or buildings, or the equipment, or utilities thereof, or the accessories thereto, wherein the safeguarding of life, health or property is concerned or involved;(iii) "Architect" means anyone licensed to practice architecture under this act;(iv) "Practice of landscape architecture" means rendering or offering to render service to clients generally, including any one or any combination of the following practices or professional services; advice, consultation, planning, landscape architectural design, drawings and specifications; general administration of the contract as the owner's representative during the construction phase, wherein expert knowledge and skill are required in connection with landscape enhancement or landscape development, including the formulation of graphic or written criteria to govern the planning or design of land construction projects, production of overall site plans, landscape grading and landscape drainage plans, planting plans, irrigation plans, and construction details wherein in the safeguarding of life, health or property is concerned;(v) "Landscape architect" means anyone licensed to practice landscape architecture under this act;(vi) "Board" means the Wyoming state board of architects and landscape architects;(vii) "This act" means W.S. 33-4-101 through 33-4-117.