Article 1 - IN GENERAL
- Section 33-21-101 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-102 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-103 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-104 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-105 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-106 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-107 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-108 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-109 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-110 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-111 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-112 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-113 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-114 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-115 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-116 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-117 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-118 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-21-119 - Short title
- Section 33-21-120 - Definitions
- Section 33-21-121 - Board of nursing; membership; appointment; qualifications; term of office; vacancies; removal
- Section 33-21-122 - Board of nursing; powers and duties
- Section 33-21-123 - Executive director; appointment; assistant; powers and duties; salary and expenses
- Section 33-21-124 - Board; officers; duties; terms
- Section 33-21-125 - Board; meetings; notice; quorum; board action; conflict of interest
- Section 33-21-126 - Board; compensation
- Section 33-21-127 - Qualifications for licensure or certification; application requirements
- Section 33-21-128 - Examinations for licensure; reexamination
- Section 33-21-129 - Renewal of licenses or certificates
- Section 33-21-130 - Relicensure or recertification
- Section 33-21-131 - Inactive status; reactivation or recertification
- Section 33-21-132 - Temporary permit
- Section 33-21-133 - Licensees and certificate holders to provide statistical information to board
- Section 33-21-134 - Registered professional nurse; use of R.N.; advanced practice registered nurse; use of A.P.R.N
- Section 33-21-135 - Licensed practical nurse; use of L.P.N
- Section 33-21-136 - New graduate professional nurse; use of G.N.; new graduate advanced practice registered nurse; use of G.A.P.R.N
- Section 33-21-137 - New graduate practical nurse; use of G.P.N
- Section 33-21-138 - Nursing education programs; approval by board
- Section 33-21-139 - Nursing education programs; approval by board; procedure
- Section 33-21-140 - Nursing education programs; periodic evaluation
- Section 33-21-141 - Nursing education programs; denial or withdrawal of approval
- Section 33-21-142 - Nursing education programs; reinstatement of approval
- Section 33-21-143 - Nursing education programs; provisional approval
- Section 33-21-144 - Nursing education programs; conditional approval
- Section 33-21-145 - Violations; penalties
- Section 33-21-146 - Disciplining licensees and certificate holders; grounds
- Section 33-21-147 - Disciplining licensees or certificate holders; procedure
- Section 33-21-148 - Disciplining licensees; reinstatement
- Section 33-21-149 - Disciplining licensees or certificate holders; conditional licensure
- Section 33-21-150 - Immunity of board members and persons reporting information to board
- Section 33-21-151 - Injunctive relief; grounds
- Section 33-21-152 - Injunctive relief; procedure
- Section 33-21-153 - Names of terminated licensees or certificate holders to board; enforcement by court order; civil contempt for noncompliance; immunity
- Section 33-21-154 - Exemptions
- Section 33-21-155 - Board to establish fees; disposition of fees; appropriations to board
- Section 33-21-156 - Persons licensed under previous law
- Section 33-21-157 - Nurses volunteer license
- Section 33-21-158 - Advanced practice registered nurses; signature authority