Article 1 - IN GENERAL
- Section 33-1-101 - Sheriff to furnish licenses and collect fees
- Section 33-1-102 - Licenses to be prepared by county clerk; contents of licenses; disposition of moneys
- Section 33-1-103 - Clerk to keep abstract of licenses; inspection by commissioners
- Section 33-1-104 - County treasurer to make report of license receipts
- Section 33-1-105 - License money to be credited to general fund
- Section 33-1-106 - Certain licenses payable to incorporated towns
- Section 33-1-107 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-1-108 - [Repealed]
- Section 33-1-109 - Disposition of fines
- Section 33-1-110 - Failure of officer to report fines
- Section 33-1-111 - Informers may testify
- Section 33-1-112 - Penalties may be recovered by action
- Section 33-1-113 - Unpaid licenses
- Section 33-1-114 - License applications; social security numbers required; exception
- Section 33-1-115 - Professional assistance programs for health care providers and others as specified; confidentiality of records
- Section 33-1-116 - Professional and occupational licensure of military service members
- Section 33-1-117 - Temporary permits for military spouses
- Section 33-1-118 - Health care licensing boards; authority to discipline licensees for sexual misconduct
- Section 33-1-119 - Applicability of Medical Digital Innovation Sandbox Act
- Section 33-1-120 - Professional and occupational licensure for qualified individuals licensed in other jurisdictions