Section 25-14-102 - Veterans' skilled nursing facility account; disposition, receipt and expenditure of monies received; acceptance of funding and donations(a) There is created the veterans' skilled nursing facility special revenue account. Notwithstanding W.S. 9-4-303(a), the department of health, veterans' commission and state construction department shall deposit all monies and income received and collected by or for the Wyoming veterans' skilled nursing facility into the account. Monies in this account are continuously appropriated to pay the costs of design and planning, construction, operation, loan repayment and maintenance of the veterans' skilled nursing facility.(b) The department of health on behalf of the state may accept: (i) State, federal, local and nongovernmental funds for the purposes of this chapter provided that any condition on receipt of the funds is not inconsistent with this chapter;(ii) Donations of land, money or other property for the construction, maintenance or other benefit of the veterans' skilled nursing facility.