- Section 21-16-701 - Short title
- Section 21-16-702 - Definitions
- Section 21-16-703 - Wyoming higher education assistance authority; creation; termination; board of directors; composition; compensation; meetings; surety bonds; personal liability; fiscal control
- Section 21-16-704 - Executive director; employment of additional personnel; compensation
- Section 21-16-705 - Powers and duties generally; preference to state financial institutions
- Section 21-16-706 - Revenue obligations; issuance
- Section 21-16-707 - Revenue obligations; amount authorized
- Section 21-16-708 - Revenue obligations; security
- Section 21-16-709 - Debt service reserve funds; use of monies
- Section 21-16-710 - Disposition of monies received
- Section 21-16-711 - Notice of default; authority to pay unpaid balance of principal to financial institutions; financial institutions to deliver note to authority
- Section 21-16-712 - Age discrimination prohibited; full legal capacity of minors
- Section 21-16-713 - Information sharing
- Section 21-16-714 - Investment of state funds in insured, guaranteed or other higher education loans
- Section 21-16-715 - Exemptions from taxation; exceptions
- Section 21-16-716 - Obligations as legal investments
- Section 21-16-717 - State pledge not to impair rights and remedies of holders of obligations
- Section 21-16-718 - Investment and management of funds; audit
- Section 21-16-719 - Assistance by state agencies
- Section 21-16-720 - Annual report and budget
- Section 21-16-721 - Conflicts of interest
- Section 21-16-722 - Inspection of financial records