Article 1 - IN GENERAL
- Section 20-6-101 - Short title
- Section 20-6-102 - Definitions
- Section 20-6-103 - Child support enforcement program; administration by child support enforcement section
- Section 20-6-104 - Child support enforcement services generally
- Section 20-6-105 - Eligibility for services; fees for services
- Section 20-6-106 - Powers and duties of department regarding collection of support
- Section 20-6-107 - Payment of support money collected to department
- Section 20-6-108 - State parent locator service
- Section 20-6-109 - Cooperation with other states
- Section 20-6-110 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-6-111 - Driver's license suspension; nonpayment of child support; administrative hearings
- Section 20-6-112 - Professional, occupational or recreational license suspension; nonpayment of child support; notice and hearing