Section 13-12-115 - Approval or disapproval of application; criteria for approval; action upon application(a) Within ninety (90) days after receipt of the transcript of the public hearing, the board shall render a decision on the charter application based solely on the following criteria: (i) Whether the character, reputation, financial standing and ability of the incorporators is sufficient to afford reasonable promise of a successful operation;(ii) Whether the character, financial responsibility, banking or other financial experience and business qualifications of those proposed as officers and directors is sufficient to afford reasonable promise of a successful operation;(iii) The adequacy and plausibility of the business plan of the special purpose depository institution;(iv) Compliance with the capital and surplus requirements of W.S. 13-12-110;(v) The special purpose depository institution is being formed for no other purpose than legitimate objectives authorized by law;(vi) That the name of the proposed special purpose depository institution does not resemble so closely the name of any other financial institution transacting business in the state so as to cause confusion; and(vii) Whether the applicants have complied with all applicable provisions of state law.(b) The board shall approve an application upon making favorable findings on the criteria set forth in subsection (a) of this section. If necessary, the board may either conditionally approve an application by specifying conditions relating to the criteria or may disapprove the application. The board shall state findings of fact and conclusions of law as part of its decision. If the board approves the application, the commissioner shall endorse upon the articles of incorporation the approval of the board and shall transmit one (1) copy to the secretary of state, retain one (1) copy and return a copy to the applicants within twenty (20) days after the date of the decision of the board approving the application. If the board conditionally approves an application and upon compliance with necessary conditions required by the board, the commissioner shall proceed as provided in the preceding sentence. If the board disapproves the application, the commissioner shall mail notice of the disapproval to the applicants within twenty (20) days of the board's disapproval.Added by Laws 2019 , ch. 92, § 2, eff. 10/1/2019.