Section 11-38-108 - Assessments generally; refund of contributions; penalty for failure to pay or remit monies due or collected(a) The rate of assessment may be adjusted from time to time by the wheat marketing commission in order to cover any later findings by the wheat marketing commission of the estimated expenses or actual expenses that may be incurred in connection with any research, marketing, utilization and promotion program. The assessment shall not exceed two and one-half cents ($.025) per bushel. (b) All assessments made and levied pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be paid by the respective grower who is primarily liable therefor. An assessment shall be collected from the grower by the first handler thereof, warehouse, or elevator operator, and the handler shall remit to the director all assessments so collected not later than the fifteenth day of the month next succeeding the quarter in which the wheat is sold or contracted in commercial channels. Any handler within or without the state of Wyoming who fails or neglects to collect an assessment from any grower and to remit the collection to the director is guilty of a violation of this act. (c) In case of a pledge or mortgage of wheat as security for a loan made from a governmental agency the assessment shall be deducted from the proceeds of the loan at the time of the disbursement of the loan. In case of an overage of wheat at the time of settlement of the loan, the assessment shall be paid on the overage. In case of a shortage at the time of settlement of the loan, the over payment will be credited to the grower's account. In case of purchase agreements under the federal price support program, the assessment shall be made at the time of final settlement. Wheat stored in private or public storage within the state shall not be liable for assessment until sale is made or loan secured. (d) Any grower who by virtue of his activities or circumstances is within the meaning of the term "handler" as herein defined, or who shall sell, ship or otherwise dispose of wheat to a handler or other person or store wheat outside the jurisdiction of this act, shall forthwith remit to the director the full amount of the assessment due. Wheat originating from any state that collects a similar levy upon wheat, but bases assessment upon the location of the first sale taking place within its jurisdiction shall be treated as if the wheat were grown within the state of Wyoming, being first handled by a Wyoming handler. At the first commission meeting following July 1 of each year, the commission shall determine which states collect a similar levy and shall then notify all domestic handlers of those states. (e) A person who has paid any monies as provided in this act is entitled to a prompt refund of the contribution from the commission. A claim for refund shall be made to the commission not less than thirty (30) nor more than ninety (90) days from the date of sale, on a form prescribed and furnished by the commission. The claim refund form shall be duly acknowledged by the person submitting the claim. (f) The commission, before processing and making refund, may require any additional information or affirmation under penalty of perjury it deems necessary to determine the validity of the claim for refund. (g) Any person who fails to pay or remit any monies due or collected as provided in this act is guilty of a misdemeanor. Failure to so remit on each sale for which such monies are payable constitutes a separate offense and is not affected by any refund either pending at the time of the offense or made at a later date. Upon conviction any person guilty of such misdemeanor shall be subject to a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).