Section 11-38-102 - Establishment; composition; appointment; removal; officers; consultation permitted; area distribution of nominations(a) The wheat marketing commission is established consisting of five (5) members appointed by the governor from nominations made by the Wyoming wheat growers association or any other duly organized and incorporated state organization within the state of Wyoming having a commodity division working with wheat. The director of the department of agriculture or his designated representative shall serve ex officio. The governor may remove any member he appoints as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.(b) The commission shall elect a chairman and vice chairman from its appointed members and appoint an administrator. The commission may call upon other interested organizations for consultation. (c) All appointed members shall derive substantial income from the growing of wheat. Geographic representation of membership on the commission shall be provided for based on historical wheat production records. Each nomination shall include a resume of the nominee's qualifications for serving on the commission.