- Section 1-32-201 - Action to quiet title
- Section 1-32-202 - Petition in actions to recover realty; sufficiency
- Section 1-32-203 - Petition in action to recover realty; answer
- Section 1-32-204 - Petition in action against cotenant
- Section 1-32-205 - Recovery when right terminates during action
- Section 1-32-206 - Benefit of occupying claimant law
- Section 1-32-207 - Conditions under which occupying claimant to be paid for improvements
- Section 1-32-208 - Conditions under which occupying claimant to be paid for improvements; tax title sufficient to protect occupant
- Section 1-32-209 - Entry of claim against occupying claimant; subsequent procedure
- Section 1-32-210 - Question of fact to be tried by jury upon request; view of premises; findings; trial by court without jury
- Section 1-32-211 - Setting aside verdict and judgment
- Section 1-32-212 - Judgment on report of jury in favor of plaintiff in ejectment
- Section 1-32-213 - Proceedings if report of jury is for occupying claimant
- Section 1-32-214 - Writ of possession to issue on payment for improvements
- Section 1-32-215 - Writ of possession to issue if deed tendered and payment refused
- Section 1-32-216 - Occupying claimant and heirs not to be evicted except as provided in W.S. 1-32-214 and 1-32-215; right to bring action for title