Section 1-24-101 - Causes for amercement(a) On motion in court and notice in writing as provided in W.S. 1-24-102, an officer shall be amerced in the amount of the judgment including costs, and ten percent (10%) thereon for the plaintiff or defendant when:(i) An execution or order of sale is directed and delivered to him to be executed, and he neglects or refuses to execute it; (ii) He neglects or refuses to sell any property which by any writ or order he is directed to sell; (iii) He fails to call an inquest, or to return to the clerk's office a copy of the certificate of inquisition made by the inquest; (iv) He neglects to return to the proper court on or before the return day an execution or order of sale directed and delivered to him; (v) He neglects to return a correct inventory of personal property taken on execution, unless he returns that the amount of the judgment, including costs, has been paid to him; (vi) He neglects, on demand, to pay to the person entitled thereto, any money collected or received by him for the use of such person, at any time after he collects or receives the same; or (vii) He neglects or refuses to pay to the judgment debtor on demand all money received by him on any sale made beyond what is sufficient to satisfy the writ or order of sale, with interest and costs.