Section 470.02 - License required Except as provided in s. 470.025 or 470.045, no person may do any of the following:
(1) Engage or offer to engage in the practice of professional geology, designate himself or herself as a professional geologist, use or assume the title "professional geologist" or any other title, letters or designation which represents or may tend to represent the person as a professional geologist unless the person is licensed by the professional geologist section under this chapter.(2) Engage or offer to engage in the practice of professional hydrology, designate himself or herself as a professional hydrologist, use or assume the title "professional hydrologist" or any other title, letters or designation which represents or may tend to represent the person as a professional hydrologist unless the person is licensed by the professional hydrologist section under this chapter.(3) Engage or offer to engage in the practice of professional soil science, designate himself or herself as a professional soil scientist, use or assume the title "professional soil scientist" or any other title, letters or designation which represents or may tend to represent the person as a professional soil scientist unless the person is licensed by the professional soil scientist section under this chapter.