- Section 29.301 - General restrictions on hunting
- Section 29.304 - Restrictions on hunting and use of firearms by persons under 16 years of age
- Section 29.307 - Hunting with aid of aircraft prohibited
- Section 29.311 - Shotshell restrictions
- Section 29.312 - Rules regulating the sighting of a firearm
- Section 29.314 - Shining animals
- Section 29.317 - Taking homing pigeons
- Section 29.319 - Falconry regulation
- Section 29.322 - Taking certain wounded animals
- Section 29.324 - Group deer hunting
- Section 29.327 - Regulation of waterfowl blinds
- Section 29.331 - Trapping regulation
- Section 29.334 - Hunting and trapping; treatment of wild animals
- Section 29.335 - Feeding wild animals for nonhunting purposes
- Section 29.336 - Feeding deer
- Section 29.337 - Hunting and trapping by landowners and occupants
- Section 29.341 - Duties on accidental shooting
- Section 29.345 - Hunting, fishing or trapping accident; failure to report
- Section 29.346 - Registration information
- Section 29.347 - Possession of deer and elk; heads and skins
- Section 29.349 - Animals killed by motor vehicles
- Section 29.351 - Skins of fur-bearing animals
- Section 29.354 - Possession of game birds and animals
- Section 29.357 - Transportation; general provisions
- Section 29.361 - Transportation of deer or elk
- Section 29.364 - Transportation of game birds