Subchapter III - FINANCE
- Section 16.40 - Department of administration, duties, powers
- Section 16.401 - Treasury management
- Section 16.405 - Requests for issuance of operating notes
- Section 16.41 - Agency and authority accounting; information; aid
- Section 16.412 - Agency payments
- Section 16.413 - Disclosure of expenditures relating to state agency operations and state agency contracts and grants
- Section 16.415 - Certification of payrolls
- Section 16.417 - Dual employment or retention
- Section 16.42 - Agency requests
- Section 16.423 - Base budget review reports
- Section 16.425 - Summary of tax exemption devices
- Section 16.43 - Budget compiled
- Section 16.44 - Budget hearings
- Section 16.45 - Budget message to legislature
- Section 16.46 - Biennial budget, contents
- Section 16.461 - Biennial budget, summary of funds
- Section 16.465 - Budget stabilization fund reallocations
- Section 16.47 - Budget bill
- Section 16.48 - Unemployment reserve financial statement
- Section 16.50 - Departmental estimates
- Section 16.505 - Position authorization
- Section 16.51 - Department of administration; preauditing and accounting; additional duties and powers
- Section 16.513 - Program and segregated revenue sufficiency
- Section 16.515 - Supplementation of program revenue and program revenue-service appropriations
- Section 16.517 - Adjustments of program revenue positions and funding levels
- Section 16.518 - Transfers to the budget stabilization fund
- Section 16.5185 - Transfers to the transportation fund
- Section 16.5186 - Transfers involving the local government fund
- Section 16.519 - Fund transfers relating to tobacco settlement agreement
- Section 16.52 - Accounting
- Section 16.525 - State aid recipients' accounting
- Section 16.527 - Appropriation obligations
- Section 16.528 - Interest on late payments
- Section 16.5285 - Health insurer fee savings
- Section 16.529 - Lapses and fund transfers relating to unfunded retirement liability debt service
- Section 16.53 - Preaudit procedure
- Section 16.531 - Cash flow plan; report
- Section 16.54 - Acceptance of federal funds
- Section 16.544 - Federal aid disallowances
- Section 16.545 - Federal aid management service
- Section 16.548 - Federal-state relations office; report
- Section 16.55 - Frauds and uncollectible shortages
- Section 16.56 - Grain inspection funding
- Section 16.58 - Services to units of local government
- Section 16.60 - Services to nonprofit corporations
- Section 16.61 - Records of state offices and other public records
- Section 16.611 - State public records; optical disc and electronic storage
- Section 16.612 - Local government records; optical disc and electronic storage standards
- Section 16.62 - Records management service
- Section 16.63 - Sale of state's rights to tobacco settlement agreement payments
- Section 16.643 - Support accounts for persons with disabilities