Section 992.06 - Corporations, curative provisions, articles, deeds, evidence(1) Whenever in the organization of corporations under chapter 146, laws of 1872, there may have been a failure to verify a copy of the articles recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the proper county such failure shall not affect the validity of the corporation, but the same shall be a body corporate from and after the recording of such copy the same as though the copy had been duly verified. In any controversy as to the validity of such corporation it shall be presumed that the copy thus recorded is a true copy of the original articles, and such copy, or a certified copy of the record thereof, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and places of the organization of such corporation.(2) Whenever in the organization of corporations under chapter 146, laws of 1872, articles of association were made and adopted and signed by the persons forming such corporation, and there may have been a failure to make and record a verified copy thereof in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which such corporation is located, and such association, organization or corporation has in good faith carried on business and acted as a corporation for 25 years or more, such failure to make and record a verified copy of the articles of association shall not affect the validity of the corporation, but the same shall be a body corporate from and after the date of the making, adopting and signing of the articles of association, the same as though a verified copy had been duly made and recorded in the office of the register of deeds. Whenever any such corporation shall in good faith have attempted to change its corporate name, and shall in good faith have carried on and conducted its business under such changed name for a period of 25 years or more, and shall record its original articles of incorporation, or the copy thereof, with the register of deeds, of the county in which such corporation has its principal office, and in case the said original articles of incorporation, or a copy thereof, cannot be obtained, a certificate from the department of financial institutions showing that no such articles nor a copy thereof can be found in the records of the department of financial institutions, its acts, doings and proceedings heretofore done or which shall hereafter be done in or under such changed name shall be as valid and binding and as good in law as though done in or under the name contained in its original articles of association.(3) All transfers of real estate heretofore made to corporations, organized under the laws of this state, executed, delivered, filed and recorded between the date of the filing of the articles of organization with the department of financial institutions and the date of the filing of a certified copy of said articles in the office of the register of deeds in the county wherein said corporation has its principal place of business, are hereby legalized, ratified, confirmed and validated.