Chapter 95 - ANIMAL HEALTH
- Section 95.001 - Definitions
- Section 95.01 - Administration of drugs to horses
- Section 95.10 - Feeding garbage to swine
- Section 95.11 - Livestock branding
- Section 95.12 - False pedigree
- Section 95.13 - Misrepresenting breed of domestic animal
- Section 95.14 - Corporations to improve livestock
- Section 95.17 - Animal diseases; cooperation with United States
- Section 95.18 - Animals in transit
- Section 95.185 - Voluntary individual animal identification
- Section 95.19 - Diseased animals
- Section 95.195 - Diseases; implied warranty in sale of animals
- Section 95.197 - Financial assistance for paratuberculosis testing
- Section 95.20 - Import and movement of animals
- Section 95.21 - Rabies control program
- Section 95.22 - Reporting animal diseases
- Section 95.23 - Disease investigation and enforcement
- Section 95.232 - Confidentiality of paratuberculosis records
- Section 95.235 - Sale of certain painted utensils
- Section 95.24 - Living vaccine, hog cholera, anthrax, swine erysipelas
- Section 95.25 - Tuberculosis control program
- Section 95.26 - Brucellosis control program
- Section 95.27 - Pseudorabies control program; indemnities
- Section 95.30 - Disposal of animals infected with tuberculosis
- Section 95.31 - Condemnation of diseased animals
- Section 95.32 - Appraised value
- Section 95.33 - Tubercular animals that do not react
- Section 95.34 - Slaughter on premises
- Section 95.35 - Scrapie eradication: indemnities
- Section 95.36 - Indemnity not allowed
- Section 95.37 - Claims for indemnity
- Section 95.38 - Altering records; tampering with ear tags
- Section 95.39 - Biological products
- Section 95.40 - Neutralizing tuberculosis test
- Section 95.41 - Tuberculin; ear tags
- Section 95.42 - Revocation of permit to test
- Section 95.43 - Application of brucellosis test
- Section 95.45 - Certificates of veterinary inspection; tests for interstate shipment
- Section 95.46 - Brucellosis vaccination; official vaccinates
- Section 95.48 - Brucellosis indemnity restrictions
- Section 95.49 - Movement; sale
- Section 95.50 - Transportation and disposal of animal carcasses
- Section 95.51 - Livestock premises registration
- Section 95.55 - Farm-raised deer
- Section 95.57 - Poultry and farm-raised game birds; national poultry improvement program
- Section 95.60 - Importing fish; fish farms
- Section 95.65 - Intrastate transportation of white-tailed deer
- Section 95.67 - Proper use of animal care and disease control products
- Section 95.68 - Animal markets
- Section 95.69 - Animal dealers
- Section 95.71 - Animal truckers
- Section 95.715 - Feed lots and veal lots
- Section 95.72 - Transportation, processing and disposal of dead animals
- Section 95.80 - Humane slaughtering
- Section 95.99 - Penalties