Section 50-1-9b - Appointment of senior magistrate court clerksThe West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals is authorized to create a panel of senior magistrate court clerks to utilize the talent and experience of former magistrate court clerks of this state. The Supreme Court of Appeals shall promulgate rules providing for senior magistrate court clerks to be assigned duties as needed to serve:
(1) In the place of magistrate court clerks who are on authorized leave or are otherwise unavailable; or (2) while there is a vacancy in a magistrate court clerk's office. The Supreme Court of Appeals shall further promulgate rules to provide for: (1) Reimbursement of travel and other necessary expenses actually incurred while the senior clerk is serving outside the county of his or her residence; and (2) reasonable compensation on a per diem basis: Provided, That the per diem and retirement compensation of a senior magistrate court clerk may not exceed the salary of the magistrate court clerk in whose place the senior clerk is serving.