W. Va. Code § 47A-1-4
Because of the volatile nature of the credit market and the necessity of prompt action by the board, all orders, rules and regulations, and other procedures adopted by the board relating to setting maximum interest rates and finance charges are specifically exempted from the provisions of the West Virginia Administrative Procedures Act, chapter twenty-nine- a of this code. All other orders, rules and regulations, and other procedures adopted by the board not relating to the setting of maximum rates of interest and finance charges shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
All actions of the board relating to the setting of maximum interest rates and finance charges are subject to review as set forth under section three of this article. In instances when the board exceeds or fails to appropriately exercise its authority under this article to set maximum interest rates and finance charges, the actions of the board may be reviewed initially only in the circuit court of Kanawha County, West Virginia.
W. Va. Code § 47A-1-4