Section 33-24-2 - DefinitionsFor the purpose of this article:
(a) "Corporation" means either a hospital service corporation, a medical service corporation, a dental service corporation or a health service corporation.(b) "Hospital service corporation" means a nonprofit, nonstock corporation, organized in accordance with the provisions of article one, chapter thirty-one of this code, for the sole purpose of contracting with the public and with hospitals and other health agencies for hospital or other health services to be furnished to subscribers under terms of their contract with the corporation, and controlled by a board of directors, not more than twenty percent of whom, or whose spouse, parent, child, brother or sister by blood or marriage, are engaged in the providing of health care and at least eighty percent of whom shall be chosen as representatives of the interests of consumers, elderly persons, organized labor and business subscribers.(c) "Hospital service" means only such hospital or other health care, to be provided by hospitals or other health agencies, or such payment therefor, as may be specified in the contract made by the subscriber with the corporation.(d) "Medical service corporation" means a nonprofit, nonstock corporation, organized in accordance with the provisions of article one, chapter thirty-one of this code, for the sole purpose of contracting with the public and with duly licensed physicians, duly licensed dentists and duly licensed podiatrists for medical or surgical services and with duly licensed chiropractors and other health agencies for other health services to be furnished to subscribers under terms of their contract with the corporation, and controlled by a board of directors, not more than twenty percent of whom, or whose spouse, parent, child, brother or sister by blood or marriage, are engaged in the providing of health care and at least eighty percent of whom shall be chosen as representatives of the interests of consumers, elderly persons, organized labor and business subscribers.(e) "Medical service" means only such medical, surgical, or other health care, to be provided by duly licensed physicians, duly licensed dentists, duly licensed podiatrists or other health agencies and only such health care, to be provided by duly licensed chiropractors, or such payment therefor, as may be specified in the contract made by the subscribed with the corporation.(f) "Dental service corporation" means a nonprofit, nonstock corporation, organized in accordance with the provisions of article one, chapter thirty-one of this code, for the sole purpose of contracting with the public and with duly licensed dentists for dental services to be furnished to subscribers under terms of their contracts with the corporations, and controlled by a board of directors, not more than twenty percent of whom or whose spouse, parent, child, brother or sister by blood or marriage, are engaged in the providing of health care and at least eighty percent of whom shall be chosen as representatives of the interests of consumers, elderly persons, organized labor and business subscribers.(g) "Dental service" means only such dental care, to be provided by duly licensed dentists, duly licensed physicians, or such payment therefor, as may be specified in the contract made by the subscriber with the corporation.(h) "Health service corporation" means a nonprofit, nonstock corporation, organized in accordance with the provisions of article one, chapter thirty-one of this code, for the purpose of contracting with the public and with hospitals and other health agencies for hospital or other health services to be furnished to subscribers or for the purpose of contracting with the public and with duly licensed physicians, duly licensed dentists and duly licensed chiropodists-podiatrists for medical or surgical services and with duly licensed chiropractors and other health agencies for other health services or for the purpose ofcontracting with the public and with duly licensed dentists for dental services to be furnished to subscribers, all under terms of their contract or contracts with the corporation, and controlled by a board of directors, not more than twenty percent of whom, or whose spouse, parent, child, brother or sister by blood or marriage, are engaged in the providing of health care and at least eighty percent of whom shall be chosen as representatives of the interests of consumers, elderly persons, organized labor and business subscribers. A hospital service corporation, or hospital service corporations, a medical service corporation, or medical service corporations, or a dental service corporation, or dental service corporations, licensed in accordance with the provisions of this article shall be authorized and permitted to merge into or consolidate with other such corporations in accordance with the merger or consolidation provisions of sections one hundred fifty and one hundred fifty-one, article one, chapter thirty-one of the code, to form a health service corporation: Provided, That no such merger or consolidation shall be effectuated unless in advance thereof the plan, agreement and other supporting documents have been filed with and approved in writing by the commissioner. The commissioner shall give such approval within a reasonable time after such filing unless he finds such plan or agreement:(1) Is contrary to law; or(2) Hazardous to the interests of the subscribers of any corporations involved; or(3) Would substantially reduce the security of and service to be rendered to the subscribers of any corporation involved. If the commissioner does not approve any such plan or agreement he shall so notify the corporation or corporations in writing specifying his reasons therefor.
(i) "Health service" means such hospital, medical, surgical, dental care or other health care to be provided by hospitals or other health agencies, duly licensed physicians, duly licensed dentists, duly licensed podiatrists or other health care, to be provided by duly licensed chiropractors, as the case may be, or such payment therefor, as may be specified in the contract made by the subscriber with the corporation.(j) "Service" means such hospital, medical, dental and other health service as shall be provided under the terms of the contracts issued by the corporation to subscribers.(k) "Commissioner" means the insurance commissioner of West Virginia.