Section 33-16E-2 - DefinitionsFor the purposes of this article, these definitions are applicable unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context.
(1) "Contraceptives" means drugs or devices approved by the food and drug administration to prevent pregnancy.(2) "Covered person" means the policyholder, subscriber, certificate holder, enrollee or other individual who is participating in, or receiving coverage under a health insurance plan. For the purposes of this article, covered person does not include a dependent child.(3) "Health insurance plan" means benefits consisting of medical care provided directly, through insurance or reimbursement, or indirectly, including items and services paid for as medical care, under any hospital or medical expense incurred policy or certificate; hospital, medical or health service corporation contract; health maintenance organization contract; fraternal benefit society contract; plan provided by a multiple-employer trust or a multiple-employer welfare arrangement; or plan provided by the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency pursuant to article sixteen, chapter five of this code.(4) "Outpatient contraceptive services" means consultations, examinations, procedures and medical services, provided on an outpatient basis and related to the use of prescription contraceptive drugs and devices to prevent pregnancy issued under a health insurance plan that provides benefits for prescription drugs or prescription devices in a prescription drug plan.(5) "Religious employer" is an entity whose sincerely held religious beliefs or sincerely held moral convictions are central to the employer's operating principles, and the entity is an organization listed under 26 U.S.C. 501 (c)(3), 26 U.S.C. 3121, or listed in the Official Catholic Directory published by P.J. Kennedy and Sons.