W. Va. Code § 30-13-2
In order to safeguard life, health and property and to promote the public welfare, the practice of engineering in this state is hereby declared to be subject to regulation in the public interest. It is unlawful for any person to practice or to offer to practice engineering in this state, as defined in the provisions of this article, or to use in connection with his or her name or otherwise assume or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he or she is a registered or licensed engineer, unless the person has been duly registered or exempted under the provisions of this article. Engineering is hereby declared a learned profession and its practitioners are held accountable to the state and the public by professional standards in keeping with the ethics and practice of other learned professions in this state. The practice of engineering is a privilege granted by the state.
W. Va. Code § 30-13-2