Section 3-4A-30 - Adjustments in voting precincts where electronic voting system used(a) The provisions of section five, article one of this chapter, relating to the number of registered voters in each precinct, shall apply to and control in precincts in counties in which electronic voting systems have been adopted, except that the maximum number of registered voters shall be one thousand five hundred per precinct. The county commissions of such counties, subject to other provisions of this chapter with respect to the altering or changing of the boundaries of voting precincts, may change the boundaries of precincts or consolidate precincts as practicable, to achieve the maximum advantage from the use of electronic voting systems.(b) The county commission may, in the urban centers of any county adopting an electronic voting system, designate a voting place outside the boundaries of a precinct, provided such voting place is in a public building of sufficient size and in an adjoining precinct. In such event, more than one precinct may vote in any such public building. Upon combination of adjoining precincts pursuant to this subsection, the county commission shall: (1) Publish its order combining the precincts in the same manner as an order of consolidation pursuant to section seven, article one of this chapter; and (2) cause its order to be published with each sample ballot publication required by this chapter.