W. Va. Code § 3-1B-5

Current through 2024 Second Special Session
Section 3-1B-5 - Code of fair campaign practices

At the time an individual files his or her pre-candidacy statement, certificate of announcement, nominating petition, and other paper evidencing an intention to be a candidate for public office, or when an individual files the statement of organization of a political committee, the circuit clerk, county clerk or secretary of state receiving such filing shall furnish the individual with a form containing the text of the code of fair campaign practices which shall read as follows:


I SHALL CONDUCT this campaign openly and publicly, discussing the issues as I see them, presenting positions and policies with sincerity and frankness, and criticizing without fear or favor the record and policies of candidates or political parties which merit such criticism.

I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT the use of character defamation, whispering campaigns, libel, slander or scurrilous attacks on any candidate or his or her personal family life.

I SHALL CONDEMN the use of campaign advertising or communication of any sort which misrepresents, distorts, or otherwise falsifies the facts regarding any candidate or issue raised in my campaign.

I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT any appeal to negative prejudice based on race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability or age.

I SHALL NOT USE OR PERMIT any dishonest or unethical practice which tends to corrupt or undermine our system of free elections, or which hampers or prevents the full and free expression of the will of the voters including acts intended to hinder, prevent, or discourage any eligible person from registering to vote, or from voting, or which is intended to affect voting through the buying of influence or votes.

I SHALL NOT COERCE election help or campaign contributions for myself or my committee or for any other candidate or any ballot issue from my employees or from any person under my authority, influence or control.

I SHALL IMMEDIATELY AND PUBLICLY REPUDIATE support on behalf of or in opposition to any candidacy deriving from any individual or group which resorts to the methods and tactics which I condemn. I shall accept responsibility to take firm action against any subordinate or associate who violates any provisions of this code or the laws governing elections.

I PERSONALLY SUPPORT a limit on campaign expenditures that when reasonable, sufficient and fairly applied, does not limit or restrict the expression of ideas of the candidate or others on behalf of the candidate, but instead challenges individuals to engage in open dialogue on the issues rather than merely to purchase the excessive repetition of images and slogans.

ACCORDINGLY, IF I AM A CANDIDATE for one of the offices listed below, I will, in conjunction with the committee or committees organized on my behalf, adhere to the following limitations on campaign spending specified for the office I seek:



Constitutional Officers150,000150,000

Supreme Court of Appeals150,000150,000

State Senate50,00050,000

House of Delegates25,00025,000

Circuit Judge50,00050,000

Expenditures which do not exceed the limits designated for the primary election may not be added to the limits for the general election.

I SHALL DEFEND AND UPHOLD the right of every qualified voter to full and equal participation in the electoral process.

I, the undersigned, a candidate for election to public office in the State of West Virginia, or the chairperson of a political committee supporting one or more candidates for election, hereby voluntarily endorse, subscribe to, and solemnly pledge myself to conduct this campaign in accordance with the above principles and practices. I understand that subscription and adherence to the code is voluntary.

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Candidate for/Committee Name Address and City

W. Va. Code § 3-1B-5