- Section 3-1-1 - Short title; purpose
- Section 3-1-2 - Scope of chapter; definitions
- Section 3-1-2a - Municipal elections
- Section 3-1-3 - Persons entitled to vote
- Section 3-1-3a - Persons entitled to vote under federal Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970; authority of secretary of state
- Section 3-1-4 - Manner of voting
- Section 3-1-5 - Voting precincts and places established; number of voters in precincts; precinct map; municipal map
- Section 3-1-6 - Municipal voting precincts
- Section 3-1-7 - Precinct changes; procedure; precinct record
- Section 3-1-8 - Political party defined; parties or groups that may participate in municipal primary elections
- Section 3-1-9 - Political party committees; how composed; organization
- Section 3-1-10 - Party committees in office
- Section 3-1-11 - Powers of state executive committee; central or subcommittees; party emblems
- Section 3-1-12 - Members of national party committee
- Section 3-1-13 - Other party or group committees
- Section 3-1-14 - Presidential electors; how chosen; duties; vacancies; compensation
- Section 3-1-15 - Election of United States senators and congressmen
- Section 3-1-16 - Election of state officers
- Section 3-1-17 - Election of circuit judges; county and district officers; magistrates
- Section 3-1-18 - Election to fill other offices
- Section 3-1-19 - Ballot commissioners; selection; duties generally; vacancies
- Section 3-1-20 - Cards of instructions to voters; sample ballots; posting
- Section 3-1-21 - Printing of official and sample ballots; number; packaging and delivery; correction of ballots
- Section 3-1-21a - Vendors authorized to print ballots; eligibility; application and certification; denial, suspension and revocation of authorization; appeal
- Section 3-1-22 - County court clerks to provide election supplies; requirements for poll books and ballot boxes
- Section 3-1-23 - County commission to arrange polling places and equipment; requirements
- Section 3-1-24 - Obtaining and delivering election supplies
- Section 3-1-25 - Supplies by special messenger
- Section 3-1-26 - Election supplies in emergencies
- Section 3-1-27 - Municipal precinct registration records
- Section 3-1-28 - Election officials; eligibility, suspension of eligibility
- Section 3-1-29 - Boards of election officials; definitions, composition of boards, determination of number and type
- Section 3-1-30 - Nomination and appointment of election officials and alternates; notice of appointment; appointment to fill vacancies in election boards
- Section 3-1-30a - Oaths of election commissioners and poll clerks, substitution of persons
- Section 3-1-31 - Days and hours of elections; scheduling of local elections; extension or shortening of terms of certain elected local officials
- Section 3-1-32 - Opening and closing polls; procedure
- Section 3-1-33 - How elections conducted by double boards
- Section 3-1-34 - Voting procedures generally; identification; assistance to voters; voting records; penalties
- Section 3-1-35 - Ballots to be furnished voters
- Section 3-1-36 - Report on and disposition of ballots spoiled or not used
- Section 3-1-37 - Restrictions on presence and conduct at polls
- Section 3-1-38 - Disorder at polls; procedure
- Section 3-1-39 - Illegal voting; affidavit; procedure
- Section 3-1-40 - Repealed
- Section 3-1-41 - Challenged and provisional voter procedures; counting of provisional voters' ballots; ballots of election officials
- Section 3-1-42 - Time off for voting
- Section 3-1-43 - Disposition of miscellaneous election papers
- Section 3-1-44 - Compensation of election officials; expenses
- Section 3-1-45 - Court proceedings to compel performance of duties, etc
- Section 3-1-46 - Training program for election officials
- Section 3-1-47 - Repealed
- Section 3-1-48 - Legislative findings; State Election Fund; loans to counties; availability of funds; repayment of loans; grants to counties for election systems; Secretary of State expenditures from County Assistance Voting Equipment Fund
- Section 3-1-49 - Voting system standards
- Section 3-1-50 - Establishment of state-based administrative complaint procedures
- Section 3-1-51 - Identity verification of voters executing voter identity affidavit