Section 28-7-2 - State council for interstate adult offender supervision(a) Within thirty days of the effective date of this article, there shall be created a state council for interstate adult offender supervision. Said state council shall be comprised of a total of nine members, to be selected and designated as follows: (1) Two members designated by the state Legislature, one of whom shall be named and appointed by the speaker of the House, and the other of whom shall be designated by the president of the Senate;(2) Two members designated by the judiciary, both of whom shall be named and appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court of appeals of West Virginia;(3) The compact administrator or a designee of the compact administrator;(4) Four members to be designated and appointed by the governor, two of whom must be representatives of state agencies dealing with adult corrections, parole or probation, and one of whom must be a representative of a victims' group.(b) Within sixty days of the effective date of this article, the state council shall meet and designate a commissioner who shall represent the state as the compacting state's voting representative under article III of this compact.(c) The state council will exercise oversight and advocacy concerning West Virginia's participation in interstate commission activities and rule makings, and engage in other duties and activities as determined by its members, including, but not limited to, the development of policy concerning the operations and procedures for implementing the compact and interstate commission rules within West Virginia.