W. Va. Code § 22C-3-9
The board shall maintain the division of the state into geographical areas for solid waste management which shall be known as solid waste disposal sheds. The board may, from time to time, modify the boundaries of such sheds in a manner consistent with the provisions of this section. Before it modifies the sheds, the board shall consult with the affected municipalities and county or regional solid waste authorities and obtain and evaluate their opinions as to how many sheds there should be and where their boundaries should be located. The board shall then cause feasibility and cost studies to be made in order for it to designate the solid waste disposal sheds within each of which the most dependable, effective, efficient and economical solid waste disposal projects may be established. The sheds shall not overlap and shall cover the entire state.
The board shall designate the sheds so that:
The board, in modifying the boundaries of solid waste disposal sheds, is exempt from the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a.
W. Va. Code § 22C-3-9