Section 22-25-10 - Environmental performance agreements; contents, and specifications(a) The environmental performance agreement shall clearly establish the environmental goals of the participant; public involvement requirements; incentives; reporting requirements; and all other terms to ensure that the proposal is properly implemented and enforceable.(b) In entering into environmental performance agreements, the secretary shall require stricter monitoring, or take other appropriate steps to ensure accountability, for proposals with greater uncertainty of meeting their stated environmental goals.(c) A final environmental performance agreement shall specify:(1) Any otherwise applicable rules, requirements, policies, or practices, modified, waived or replaced;(2) The specific environmental goals of the agreement and the criteria for determining whether the agreement is meeting those goals;(3) A description of how compliance with the agreement will be monitored and enforced, including any penalties that may be imposed for failure to carry out the terms of the agreement;(4) The duration of the agreement and terms for renewal or extension;(5) A transition plan for returning to otherwise applicable environmental laws in the event the agreement is terminated by either the participant or the department;(6) A plan for integrating into the agreement any relevant regulations that are promulgated during the duration of the agreement; and(7) Criteria for determining whether agreement may be transferred in the event of a transfer of ownership of the facility subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement and when applicable, the procedures for transferring the agreement.