Section 22-17-19 - Disclosures required in deeds and leases(a) The grantor in any deed or other instrument of conveyance or any lessor in any lease or other instrument whereby any real property is let for a period of time shall disclose in such deed, lease or other instrument the fact that such property, or the substrata of such property whether or not the grantor or lessor is at time of such conveyance or lease the owner of such substrata, contains an underground storage tank. The provisions of this subsection only apply to those grantors or lessors who owned or had an interest in the real property when the same or the substrata thereof contained an underground storage tank which was being actively used for storing any regulated substance or who have actual knowledge or reason to believe that such real property or the substrata thereof contains an underground storage tank.(b) Any lessee of real estate or of any substratum underlying said real estate who intends to install an underground storage tank in the leased real estate or any substratum underlying the same shall disclose in writing at the time of such lease, or within thirty days prior to such installation, such fact to the lessor of such real estate or substratum. Such disclosure shall describe the proposed location upon said property where the tank is to be located and all other information required by the director.