Section 20-2-42x - Class XS resident senior hunting, fishing and trapping license(a) A Class XS license is a resident senior hunting, fishing and trapping license and entitles the licensee to hunt and trap for all legal species of wild animals and wild birds, to fish for all legal species of fish and to take frogs in all counties of the state, except as prohibited by the rules of the Director or Natural Resources Commission and when additional licenses, stamps or permits are required. No additional fees shall be required of Class XS licensees for a Class CS stamp or a Class O stamp.(b) A Class XS licensee shall be entitled to participate with the same privileges and subject to the same restrictions as a youth hunter in any special youth deer season established by the Natural Resources Commission pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (b)(7), section 17, article one of this chapter.(c) A Class XS license is required for residents or aliens lawfully residing in the United States who have been domiciled residents of West Virginia for a period of thirty consecutive days or more immediately prior to the date of their application for a license and who reach sixty-five years of age on or after January 1, 2012.(d) A Class XS license may be voluntarily purchased by residents or aliens lawfully residing in the United States and who have been domiciled residents of West Virginia for a period of thirty consecutive days or more immediately prior to the date of their application for a license and who reach sixty-five years of age on or before December 31, 2011, entitling those persons to the same privileges and subjecting them to the same restrictions as any Class XS licensee.(e) The fee for the Class XS license is $25.(f) A Class XS license is valid for the lifetime of the purchaser without payment of additional fees for the privileges associated with the Class X license, Class CS stamp and the Class O stamp. This is a base license and does not require the purchase of a prerequisite license to participate in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.(g) The Division of Natural Resources shall coordinate with the Department of Motor Vehicles to adopt and implement a program whereby the senior hunting license provided for in this section shall be identified by an appropriate decal, sticker or other marking to be affixed to the drivers' or chauffeurs' license of such person.(h) On or before July 1 annually, the Division of Natural Resources shall file an annual report with the joint committee on government and finance describing its implementation of the senior license program as set forth in this section. The report shall include the number of licenses issued, any increase in state funds as a result of the senior license created by this section, any federal funds received as a result of the implementation of the senior license created by this section and the intended use of the those funds.Added by 2011 Acts, ch. 96 (HB 2845), eff. 6/10/2011.