W. Va. Code § 16B-9-1
It is the policy of this state to encourage and promote the development and utilization of quality residential communities for persons who desire to live independently in an apartment, who are or may be dependent upon the services of others by reason of physical or mental impairment, and who may require limited and intermittent nursing care and who are capable of self-preservation and are not bedfast. Individuals may not be disqualified for residency solely because they qualify for or receive services coordinated by a licensed hospice. This care and treatment requires a living environment for these persons which, to the extent practicable, approximates a normal home environment. To this end, it is the policy of this state to encourage and promote the development and maintenance of residential care communities.
The provisions of this article are remedial and shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes and intents. This article is intended to apply only to residential communities in which apartments are rented on a month-to-month basis. All residential care community rental contracts shall specify in bold-faced type, under the conspicuous caption "NOTICE TO RESIDENT", that residents of the residential community must be capable of self-preservation, or substantially similar words clearly conveying the same meaning. This article may not be construed to require that any person be required to vacate any property in which that person has an ownership or a leasehold interest, except for a month-to-month tenancy, because that person is disabled and incapable of self-preservation. Nothing in this article is intended to supersede the provisions of § 5-11A-1et seq. of this code.
W. Va. Code § 16B-9-1