Section 16B-14-9 - Limitations on medication administration(a) An approved medication assistive personnel (AMAP) may not: (1) Administer the first dose of a medication;(2) Perform an injection;(3) Administer irrigations or debriding agents to treat a skin condition or minor abrasions;(4) Act upon verbal medication orders;(5) Transcribe medication orders;(6) Convert or calculate drug dosages;(7) Administer medications to be given "as needed" as ordered by the health care professional, unless the supervising nurse has first performed and documented a bedside assessment, and then the AMAP may administer the medication based on the written order with specific parameters which preclude independent judgment; or(8) Perform health maintenance tasks.(b) An AMAP may not be assigned to both medication administration duty and typical nurse aide duties related to resident care and assistance with activities of daily living simultaneously. When assigned to medication administration, the AMAP's responsibility shall be to administer medication and tasks related to the administration of medication. An AMAP may be assigned to other resident care and assistance with activities of daily living during such times that the AMAP is not engaged in, or scheduled to be engaged in, the administration of medication.Added by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (SB 300), eff. 2/8/2024.