Section 16B-14-5 - Eligibility requirements of nursing home staffIn order to administer medication, an approved medication assistive personnel (AMAP) shall:
(1) Determine the medication to be administered is in its original container in which it was dispensed by a pharmacist or the physician;(2) Make a written record of assistance of medication with regard to each medication administered, including the time, route, and amount taken;(3) Display the title Approved Medication Assistive Personnel; and(4) Comply with the legislative rules promulgated by the authorizing agency pursuant to § 29A-3-1et seq. of this code relating to the provisions of this article, which shall address, at a minimum, the supervision provided by the registered professional nurse to the AMAP.Added by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (SB 300), eff. 2/8/2024.