Section 16B-14-2 - Administration of medications(a) The authorizing agency shall create a program for the administration of medications in nursing homes.(b) Administration of medication shall be performed by an approved medication assistive personnel (AMAP) who has been trained and retrained every two years, passed a national medication aide certification examination, and who is subject to the supervision of, and approval by, an authorized registered professional nurse.(c) After assessing the health status of a resident, a registered professional nurse, in collaboration with the resident's prescriber, may allow an AMAP to administer medication.(d) Nothing in this article prohibits a staff member from administering medications or performing health maintenance tasks or providing any other prudent emergency assistance to aid any person who is in acute physical distress or requires emergency assistance.Added by 2024 Acts, ch. TBD (SB 300), eff. 2/8/2024.