Section 15A-11-1 - State Fire Commission continued; composition; qualifications; appointment; terms of office; removal; vacancies; compensation and expenses(a) The Fire Commission is hereby continued, which shall consist of 13 voting members, with the State Fire Marshal sitting as an ex officio nonvoting member. The voting members shall be qualified by experience and training to deal with the matters which are the responsibilities of the commission. All current members of the commission are continued in their respective term. The officers of the West Virginia Fire Chief's Association, the West Virginia Firemen's Association, the West Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Association, the West Virginia Professional Fire Chiefs Association, the West Virginia Manufacturers Association, the Professional Independent Insurance Agents of West Virginia, and the West Virginia Society of Architects shall submit a list of names of persons recommended by each of these associations to the Governor for consideration in appointing the State Fire Commission. The West Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Association and the West Virginia Professional Fire Chiefs Association shall recommend the names of two persons from full-time paid fire departments. The West Virginia Fire Chief's Association and the West Virginia Firemen's Association shall each recommend the names of three persons from volunteer fire departments. The West Virginia Manufacturers Association shall recommend the names of three persons to represent business and industry. The Professional Independent Insurance Agents of West Virginia shall recommend the names of two persons to represent the fire insurance industry. The West Virginia Society of Architects shall recommend the names of two persons to represent registered architects. Appointments to the commission shall be made by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from the lists of qualified persons recommended by the organizations. Three members shall be appointed to represent full-time paid fire departments, one member shall be appointed to represent the fulltime paid fire chiefs, three members shall be appointed to represent volunteer fire departments, and two members shall be appointed to represent the volunteer fire chiefs. Two members shall be appointed to represent business and industry and one member shall be appointed to represent the fire insurance industry. One member shall be appointed to represent registered architects. The term of office of the members shall be staggered five-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment but only for the remainder of a term. All members serve at the will and pleasure of the Governor, and may be removed for any or no reason.(b) The members of the State Fire Commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their duties.(c) All costs incidental to the administration of the commission shall be paid from the special fund by the State Fire Marshal established in §15A-10-7 of this code.Added by 2020 Acts, ch. 158 (SB 586), eff. 5/28/2020.