W. Va. Code § 11-16-16
No brewer or manufacturer whose chief place of business is outside the state of West Virginia shall offer for sale or sell nonintoxicating beer, in the state of West Virginia, or offer any of the same for shipment into this state, except to a distributor who is duly licensed under this article, and no such brewer or manufacturer shall consign, ship or deliver any of the same to any person within the state of West Virginia, or sell and deliver the same outside the state of West Virginia to be transported into the state of West Virginia, except to a duly licensed distributor for delivery at the place of business of such distributor as set forth in such brewer's or manufacturer's license. No such brewer or manufacturer shall have any interest in the business of any distributor or retailer, nor be connected directly or indirectly with any distributor or retailer. Every such brewer or manufacturer shall mail to the commissioner on or before the tenth day of each calendar month, a sworn statement showing all such sales and shipments of nonintoxicating beer made by such brewer or manufacturer during the preceding calendar month. If any such brewer or manufacturer shall violate any of the provisions of this article or shall violate any of the rules, regulations, or order of the commissioner, such brewer or manufacturer shall be punished in like manner as provided for any nonresident brewer who shall violate any provisions of this section. If any such brewer shall violate any of the provisions of this article, he shall not be permitted to sell, ship or deliver any nonintoxicating beer to any distributor or to otherwise engage in any business authorized by this article for a period of not to exceed one year from the date the notice shall be mailed to such brewer or manufacturer by the commissioner of the fact that such brewer or manufacturer has violated the provisions of this article or such rules, regulations, or orders of the commissioner. During such period of one year it shall be unlawful for any distributor or manufacturer or for any other person within the jurisdiction of the state of West Virginia, to buy or receive from such brewer or manufacturer any nonintoxicating beer or have any dealings with such brewer or manufacturer with respect thereto. A distributor, who has not qualified with residence requirements of this article or whose chief place of business is outside the state of West Virginia shall not sell, ship, transport, convey or deliver, or cause to be sold, shipped, transported, conveyed or delivered, directly or indirectly, any nonintoxicating beer to any distributor within the state of West Virginia. If any such distributor shall violate any of the provisions of this article, he shall be punished in like manner as provided for any nonresident brewer or manufacturer who shall violate any provisions of this section.
W. Va. Code § 11-16-16