WHEREAS, Vermont passed legislation creating Vermont Strong Commemorative License Plates in 2012 to "recognize all of those who have suffered losses because of the destruction brought by Tropical Storm Irene and the flooding of 2011, and to commemorate the contributions of the many who are helping to rebuild Vermont and to make it stronger";
WHEREAS, in 2014, the General Assembly extended the display of Vermont Strong License plates to June 30, 2016;
WHEREAS, the Vermont Strong license plate continues to be an important symbol of Vermont's resiliency and commitment to the many communities, businesses, and families impacted by Tropical Storm Irene and other major flooding events; and
WHEREAS, under section 511(a) of title 23, "[a] motor vehicle operated on any highway shall have displayed in a conspicuous place either one or two number plates as the Commissioner may require."
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Peter E. Shumlin, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby order and direct that:
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.
Dated June 2, 2016.
3 Appendix V.S.A. § 3-74