As soon as possible after an election of a Chair, the Board of Trustees shall fix the time and place of its regular meetings and such meetings shall be held at least once a month. The Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and shall keep minutes of the meetings on file. The Board shall determine its own rules and order of business.
If the minutes of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees show that a member has not attended 50 percent of its meetings during a fiscal year the Clerk shall declare the office vacant, and the trustees shall call a special meeting forthwith, duly warned for the purpose of electing a replacement to serve the unexpired term.
All meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be open to the public, unless by an affirmative vote of the majority present, the Board shall vote that any particular session shall be an executive session in accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 313, or any amendments thereto.
24 Appendix V.S.A. § 247-502