The Village is authorized and empowered by and with the consent of a majority of the legal voters of the Village, at a meeting legally warned and held for that purpose, to purchase or establish an electric light plant, and for that purpose may purchase, have, hold, and convey personal and real estate inside or outside the limits of the Village corporation for the purpose of lighting the highways and streets of the Village, and furnishing electric lights, electric heat, and electric motive power to persons and parties within the corporate limits of the Village, on terms and subject to rules and regulations that may be agreed upon between the Village and the persons and parties, and for the purposes described in this section, may run electric lines along, over, or under highways, streets, or public grounds, inside or outside the corporate limits, provided public travel shall not be unnecessarily affected or impeded, and subject to all lawful ordinances and regulations as to the use of highways and streets; and the Village corporation shall have authority to hire and appropriate money, raise taxes, and issue its corporate bonds for the purchasing, establishing, constructing, extending, enlarging, and maintaining of its electric light plant.
24 Appendix V.S.A. § 207-29