- Section 63H-8-401 - Corporation money - Depositing and paying out - Power to contract with holders of notes and bonds - Money held in trust
- Section 63H-8-402 - State pledge to holders of notes or bonds
- Section 63H-8-403 - Notes, bonds, other obligations - Not a debt liability - Expenses payable from funds provided - Corporation without authority to incur liability on behalf of state - Relationship to Governmental Immunity Act of Utah
- Section 63H-8-404 - Corporation property, notes, and bonds - Tax exemption except corporate franchise tax
- Section 63H-8-405 - Corporation notes, bonds, obligations - Legal investments
- Section 63H-8-406 - Annual report to governor and Legislature - Contents - Audits
- Section 63H-8-407 - Act not restriction on powers of corporation - Construed as alternative - Bonds, notes, obligations issued need not comply with other laws
- Section 63H-8-408 - Allocation to corporation of mortgage bonds qualified under Internal Revenue Code
- Section 63H-8-409 - Allocation of qualified mortgage bonds to counties, cities, and towns
- Section 63H-8-410 - Low-income housing tax credits
- Section 63H-8-411 - Asset disposition upon dissolution of corporation