- Section 41-4-1 - Agreements to finance through designated source which lessen competition or create monopoly declared void
- Section 41-4-2 - Threat to discontinue sales to retail seller prima facie evidence of violation
- Section 41-4-3 - Threat to discontinue sales to person engaged in business of financing who is affiliated with manufacturer or distributor
- Section 41-4-4 - Giving of gratuity by manufacturer or wholesaler to one financing sales which lessens competition, unlawful
- Section 41-4-5 - Unlawful for person financing sales to accept gratuity
- Section 41-4-6 - Accepting gratuity, unlawful thereafter to finance sales
- Section 41-4-7 - Violation by corporation - Penalty
- Section 41-4-8 - Violation by foreign corporation - Penalty
- Section 41-4-9 - Persons violating provisions - Penalty
- Section 41-4-10 - Agreements in violation of provisions are void
- Section 41-4-11 - Provisions cumulative
- Section 41-4-12 - Actions for damages
- Section 41-4-13 - Definitions
- Section 41-4-14 - Severability clause