5 U.S.C. § 556
This subchapter does not supersede the conduct of specified classes of proceedings, in whole or in part, by or before boards or other employees specially provided for by or designated under statute. The functions of presiding employees and of employees participating in decisions in accordance with section 557 of this title shall be conducted in an impartial manner. A presiding or participating employee may at any time disqualify himself. On the filing in good faith of a timely and sufficient affidavit of personal bias or other disqualification of a presiding or participating employee, the agency shall determine the matter as a part of the record and decision in the case.
5 U.S.C. § 556
Derivation | U.S. Code | Revised Statutes and Statutes at Large |
5 U.S.C. 1006. | June 11, 1946, ch. 324, §7, 60 Stat. 241. |
AMENDMENTS1990-Subsec. (c)(6). Pub. L. 101-552, §4(a)(1), inserted before semicolon at end "or by the use of alternative means of dispute resolution as provided in subchapter IV of this chapter".Subsec. (c)(7) to (11). Pub. L. 101-552, §4(a)(2), added pars. (7) and (8) and redesignated former pars. (7) to (9) as (9) to (11), respectively.1978-Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 95-251 substituted "administrative law judges" for "hearing examiners".1976-Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 94-409 inserted provisions relating to consideration by agency of a violation under section 557(d) of this title.
EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1976 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 94-409 effective 180 days after Sept. 13, 1976, see section 6 of Pub. L. 94-409 set out as an Effective Date note under section 552b of this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of Agriculture not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Secretary of Agriculture by 1953 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §1, eff. June 4, 1953, 18 F.R. 3219, 67 Stat. 633, set out in the Appendix to this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCEFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of Commerce not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Secretary of Commerce by 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 5, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3174, 64 Stat. 1263, set out in the Appendix to this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of the Interior not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Secretary of the Interior by 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3174, 64 Stat. 1262, set out in the Appendix to this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of Justice not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Attorney General by 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 2, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3173, 64 Stat. 1261, set out in the Appendix to this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF LABORFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of Labor not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Secretary of Labor by 1950 Reorg. Plan No. 6, §1, eff. May 24, 1950, 15 F.R. 3174, 64 Stat. 1263, set out in the Appendix to this title.
HEARING EXAMINERS EMPLOYED BY DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYFunctions vested by this subchapter in hearing examiners employed by Department of the Treasury not included in functions of officers, agencies, and employees of that Department transferred to Secretary of the Treasury by 1950 Reorg. Plan. No. 26, §1, eff. July 31, 1950, 15 F.R. 4935, 64 Stat. 1280, set out in the Appendix to this title.