- Section 3531 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Section 3532 - Establishment of Department
- Section 3533 - Officers of Department
- Section 3533a - Transferred
- Section 3534 - Transfer of functions
- Section 3535 - Administrative provisions
- Section 3535a - Working capital fund
- Section 3536 - Annual reports
- Section 3536a - Report on interagency family economic empowerment strategies
- Section 3537 - Separability
- Section 3537a - Prohibition of advance disclosure of funding decisions
- Section 3537b - Repealed
- Section 3537c - Prohibition of lump-sum payments
- Section 3538 - Rescheduling and refinancing of Federal loans
- Section 3539 - Housing and Urban Development Disaster Assistance Fund
- Section 3539a - Department of Housing and Urban Development Nonrecurring Expenses Fund
- Section 3540 - Repealed
- Section 3541 - Paperwork reduction
- Section 3542 - Public notice and comment regarding demonstration programs not expressly authorized in law
- Section 3543 - Preventing fraud and abuse in Department of Housing and Urban Development programs
- Section 3544 - Preventing fraud and abuse in housing and urban development programs
- Section 3545 - HUD accountability
- Section 3545a - Notification of issuance of electronic notice of availability of assistance or funding to be competitively awarded for certain programs or discretionary funds
- Section 3546 - Use of domestic products
- Section 3547 - Special projects
- Section 3548 - Semiannual report on contracts and task orders
- Section 3549 - Investigation of violations
- Section 3550 - Audit of Department financial statements