33 U.S.C. § 3103
The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with other Federal agencies, and in cooperation with the National Sea Grant program, shall design and implement a program to disseminate information developed under the NOAA Oceans and Human Health Initiative, including research, assessments, and findings regarding the relationship between oceans and human health, on both a regional and national scale. The information, particularly with respect to potential health risks, shall be made available in a timely manner to appropriate Federal or State agencies, involved industries, and other interested persons through a variety of means, including through the Internet.
33 U.S.C. § 3103
AMENDMENTS2016- Pub. L. 114-327 struck out subsec. (a) designation and heading, realigned margins, and struck out subsec. (b) which related to NOAA Oceans and Human Health Initiative annual report.