33 U.S.C. § 59v
That portion of the waterway in which is located Dark Head Creek in the community of Middle River, Baltimore County, Maryland, lying northwest of a line extending south 68 degrees 37 minutes 56 seconds west from a point (227.50 feet from the northeast corner of the existing bulkhead and pier line) whose coordinates in the Maryland State Coordinate System are north 544967.24 and east 962701.05 (latitude north 39 degrees 19 minutes 42 seconds and longitude west 76 degrees 25 minutes 29.5 seconds) and thence south 44 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds west, 350.12 feet to a point (at the southwest corner of the existing bulkhead and pier line) whose coordinates in the Maryland State Coordinate System are north 544635.94 and east 962242.46 (latitude north 39 degrees 19 minutes 39 seconds and longitude west 76 degrees 25 minutes 35.4 seconds), is declared to be a nonnavigable water of the United States for purposes of the navigation servitude.
The line described in subsection (a) shall be established as a combined pierhead and bulkhead line of Dark Head Creek.
Any project heretofore authorized by any Act of Congress, insofar as such project is within the boundaries of Dark Head Creek as described in subsection (a), is not authorized after November 17, 1986.
The right to alter, amend, or repeal this section is hereby expressly reserved.
33 U.S.C. § 59v