30 U.S.C. § 2003
Not later than 90 days after August 8, 2005, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Director, shall commence a program of methane hydrate research and development in accordance with this section.
The Secretary, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Director shall designate individuals to carry out this section.
The individual designated by the Secretary shall coordinate all activities within the Department of Energy relating to methane hydrate research and development.
The individuals designated under paragraph (2) shall meet not later than 180 days after August 8, 2005, and not less frequently than every 180 days thereafter to-
In carrying out the program of methane hydrate research and development authorized by this section, the Secretary may award grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, institutions of higher education, oceanographic institutions, and industrial enterprises to-
Funds made available under paragraph (1) shall be made available based on a competitive process using external scientific peer review of proposed research.
The Secretary shall establish an advisory panel (including the hiring of appropriate staff) consisting of representatives of industrial enterprises, institutions of higher education, oceanographic institutions, State agencies, and environmental organizations with knowledge and expertise in the natural gas hydrates field, to-
In appointing each member of the advisory panel established under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that the appointment of the member does not pose a conflict of interest with respect to the duties of the member under this chapter.
The advisory panel shall-
The advisory panel shall coordinate activities of the advisory panel with program managers of the Department of Energy at appropriate National Laboratories.
None of the funds made available to carry out this section may be used for the construction of a new building or the acquisition, expansion, remodeling, or alteration of an existing building (including site grading and improvement and architect fees).
In carrying out subsection (b)(1), the Secretary shall-
30 U.S.C. § 2003
PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 4 of Pub. L. 106-193 was set out in a note under section 1902 of this title prior to the general amendment of Pub. L. 106-193 by Pub. L. 109-58.
- Director
- The term "Director" means the Director of the National Science Foundation.
- Secretary of Commerce
- The term "Secretary of Commerce" means the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- Secretary of Defense
- The term "Secretary of Defense" means the Secretary of Defense, acting through the Secretary of the Navy.
- Secretary of the Interior
- The term "Secretary of the Interior" means the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the United States Geological Survey, the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, and the Director of the Minerals Management Service.
- Secretary
- The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Energy, acting through the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy.