25 U.S.C. § 2203
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any tribe, acting through its governing body, is authorized, with the approval of the Secretary to adopt a land consolidation plan providing for the sale or exchange of any tribal lands or interest in lands for the purpose of eliminating undivided fractional interests in Indian trust or restricted lands or consolidating its tribal landholdings: Provided, That-
The Secretary must execute such instrument of conveyance needed to effectuate a sale or exchange of tribal lands made pursuant to an approved tribal land consolidation plan unless he makes a specific finding that such sale or exchange is not in the best interest of the tribe or is not in compliance with the tribal land consolidation plan.
The Secretary may execute instruments of conveyance for less than fair market value to effectuate the transfer of lands used as homesites held, on December 17, 1991, by the United States in trust for the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Only the lands used as homesites, and described in the land consolidation plan of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma approved by the Secretary on February 6, 1987, shall be subject to this subsection.
25 U.S.C. § 2203
AMENDMENTS1991-Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 102-238, §3(1), substituted "(1) except as provided by subsection (c), the sale price" for "(1) the sale price".Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 102-238, §3(2), added subsec. (c).1984-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98-608 amended subsec. (a) generally, substituting ": Provided, That-" for period at end and inserting five numbered pars., thereby correcting errors originally contained in this section as enacted by Pub. L. 97-459 the text of which had a portion of section 204 appearing in section 206 (classified to section 2205 of this title) as the result of inadvertent error in the execution of committee amendments (see House Report No. 97-908, Sept. 30, 1982) to the bill. Pub. L. 97-459 enacted subsec. (a) as ending with "tribal landholdings.", and included portion of section 204 containing proviso and five numbered pars. within text of section 206.Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 98-608 included subsec. (b) within this section and substituted a period for the dash after "tribal land consolidation plan", thereby correcting errors originally contained in this section as enacted by Pub. L. 97-459 which, as the result of inadvertent error in the execution of committee amendments (see House Report No. 97-908, Sept. 30, 1982) to the bill, enacted subsec. (b) as part of section 206(b) of Pub. L. 97-459 and ended it with "tribal land consolidation plan-".