Chapter 34 - THE PEACE CORPS
- Section 2501 - Congressional declaration of purpose
- Section 2501-1 - Independent agency status of Peace Corps
- Section 2501a - Voluntary service programs
- Section 2502 - Presidential authorization; appropriations and financial readjustments
- Section 2503 - Director and Deputy Director; delegation of functions
- Section 2504 - Peace Corps volunteers
- Section 2504a - Health care for volunteers at Peace Corps posts
- Section 2505 - Peace Corps volunteer leaders; number; applicability of chapter; benefits
- Section 2506 - Peace Corps employees
- Section 2507 - Training program
- Section 2507a - Sexual assault risk-reduction and response training
- Section 2507b - Sexual assault policy
- Section 2507c - Office of Victim Advocacy
- Section 2507d - Establishment of Sexual Assault Advisory Council
- Section 2507e - Volunteer feedback and Peace Corps review
- Section 2507f - Establishment of a policy on stalking
- Section 2507g - Establishment of a confidentiality protection policy
- Section 2507h - Removal and assessment and evaluation
- Section 2507i - Reporting requirements
- Section 2508 - Foreign participants; admission into the United States as nonimmigrants; removal
- Section 2509 - Presidential powers and authorities
- Section 2510 - Omitted
- Section 2511 - Peace Corps National Advisory Council
- Section 2512 - Experts and consultants
- Section 2513 - Assignment of personnel to foreign governments or international organizations
- Section 2514 - Use of funds
- Section 2514a - Authorization for Peace Corps to provide separation pay for host country resident personal services contractors of the Peace Corps
- Section 2515 - Foreign Currency Fluctuations Account
- Section 2516 - Use of foreign currencies
- Section 2517 - Activities promoting Americans' understanding of other peoples
- Section 2518 - Seal and name
- Section 2519 - Security investigations
- Section 2520 - Military training and service exemption
- Section 2521 - Foreign language proficiency
- Section 2521a - Nonpartisan appointments
- Section 2522 - Definitions
- Section 2523 - Separability