Subchapter I - GENERAL
- Section 4101 - Authority of officers of Congress over Congressional employees
- Section 4102 - Purchase of supplies for Senate and House
- Section 4103 - Contracts to furnish property, supplies, or services to Congress; terms varying from those offered other entities of Federal Government
- Section 4104 - American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate and House
- Section 4105 - Purchase of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms of Senate and House
- Section 4106 - Stationery rooms of House and Senate; specification of classes of articles purchasable
- Section 4107 - Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropriations
- Section 4108 - Semiannual statements of expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
- Section 4109 - Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative Officer of House
- Section 4110 - Monuments to deceased Senators or House Members
- Section 4111 - Annual report by Comptroller General of the United States on cybersecurity and surveillance threats to Congress
- Section 4112 - Requirement for information sharing agreements